Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Great day today. Took a tour of the Biltmore House this morning, complete with rooftop access. Then we drove into downtown Asheville to see the old art deco buildings. I spent the afternoon at the spa, where the lady said I was her second post-bar-exam client this week. Apparently we carry a lot of tension in our shoulders. We had a lovely dinner at the winery, and now we're going to bed early to rest up for our long drive to DC tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I thought one of the interesting photos I saw somewhere there was how the area was basically clear cut around the time the mansion was built. Pretty amazing how bare the mountains were. We enjoyed the Winery also. All-in-all a very interesting place. I wish we would have had more time in Asheville. You should read 13 moons because now that you've seen the place, his book does a good job of describing what life would have been like in that area in the early 1800s. Have a safe drive. Can't wait to read your next post.
