Wednesday, August 25, 2010


So, we got to our destination, safe and sound. And we proceeded to get busy.


10 miles.


We rode up a spectacular valley, stunning vistas... and a few scary inclines...
Though this clearly isn't one...

Nor is this....

Wildlife seen so far...
Chipmunks ... everywhere constantly playing chicken with cars

Hummingbirds ... neighbour has species specific feeder ... cheating?

Deer (3, young, having a party, one was almost sliding down an incline to the road, so clearly the slightly larger of the 3 was the one who bought the booze for the rest.)

Snake ... small, brown, and yes Fran, right outside the bedroom door.

A Rodent ... uh, it was like a prairie dog only bigger, and like a groundhog only smaller ?????

...and a FOX!! ...and right at the patio!!!

Today, Robin and I were thinking of doing a trail hike that we've been meaning to do, but I also was thinking about where to take my dad fishing when my parents visit next week... so instead we decided to drive up Frying Pan Rd from Basalt, following the Frying Pan river upstream to Reudi Reservoir.

So we're driving up...

It's really awesome, river is amazing, lots of fly fishermen... looks like a ton of cool places to fish...

We get to the dam at the bottom of the reservoir...looking cool...

...and then HOLY CRAP! WOW!!

This thing is huge, and gorgeous.
Hmm, no wonder the Aspen Yacht Club is here...

Robin and I mused to ourselves about a certain father/father-in-law who, should he choose to retire up here, might also want to bring along his sailboat...

1 comment:

  1. He would probably have to live ALONE on his boat. I was thinking of a nice lot and house, but again, I'm afraid it would be alone. Was the snake coming or going?
