Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Biltmore Estate Pt.2

Okay, so Robin needs to explain that billboard reference, but is going to let you all stew on it for a day. And that record player was from the 50's, gotta cut it some slack.

Atlanta Drivers
- Ya I've heard people say Cdn drivers are wild/fast and the same about Texas, but wow, Atlanta takes the prize, REALLY aggressive, and either driving 10 over or 10 under the limit; the lanes are also skinny (now I'm just being picky).

World of Coke, Atlanta
- There was a room showing commercials over the decades, one was a listing of the types of people that Coke is apparently "for", like for artists, for dreamers... and then concluding it's for everybody. I noticed they left one out. "For diabetics", oh wait, right.
- In the tasting area, where you could taste some of the sodas they own in other countries, I was amazed at how many tasted of one thing and then changed into something else, and generally it was from sweet to bitter. It didn't always work out so pleasantly; once or twice though it was really interesting. But how is it we here in Can/USA can only handle our sodas having one constant flavour??

Dillard House
- lots of good Southern food, not 5-star type, but just good Southern food. Have to say though, Mary Mac's in Atlanta surpassed this place, and Clayburne Cafeteria in Houston wishes it was either of these places, just sayin'. Robin said the squash souffle tasted like Thanksgiving (Cdn= Christmas).

- So just as we're paying for lunch at Dillard House, I had been telling Robin about this old book from the 60s/70s I picked up somewhere called Foxfire 4. It's a thick book, part of a series started by some thoughtful young people who wanted to preserve the knowledge base of past generations in the Appalachians. They interviewed some older folks, and locally held classes for kids to help pass on the info. The interviews were printed in the magazine. Issue 4 contains instructions on how to fabricate a knife from a piece of metal (incl. wooden handle), and building a violin... sorry, fiddle. When I picked up that book, there were quite a number of other issues, and I couldn't get them, always regretted that.... so paying for the meal, Robin taps me and says, "Are these the books?", a whole rack of reprints, wow. I mention this briefly to the cashier, and she says, oh ya, they have a center/museum just a couple miles from here. WOW, it's still going! We immediately headed there, toured some of their buildings. The wagon pictured was built by students using only the tools available in that time, really impressive. http://www.foxfire.org/
This really made my day

At the Biltmore Estate now, relaxing after a really great meal... pondering 8,000 acres.... Where's my brandy?!

1 comment:

  1. Is the food table photo an advertisement for the "eat this, not that" series? How much did you get to take home?
