Tuesday, August 17, 2010

On the Road Again

We're back on the road after quite a few stationary days. After leaving New York we drove up to Ottawa to spend time with Stuart and Kate. After skirting the edge of the Catskills (which are beautiful, I totally get why people leave Pennsylvania to see them), we had lunch in the town of Roscoe. Roscoe has a diner in it, Roscoe's Diner, which the town is quite proud of. The entrance to the town had a big sign put-up by the Chamber of Commerce that said, "Welcome to Roscoe. ROSCOE'S DINER." I had a BLT that had three huge tomato slices, three slices of cheese, about an inch ofmlettuce, and a single layer of bacon. I guess I can't really fault them for trying to maximize profit.

Hotwire got us a room at the Ottawa Marriott. When we got to our room, we found they'd given us a corner room with a sort of Parliament view. So, that was awesome. We spent two great days hanging out with Stuart and Kate and the kids. Highlights include Kate and I convincing Steve and Stuart to go out around 9 PM to pick us up Tim Horton's and Dairy Queen when they didn't even want anything, reading a book to Lewis until he fell asleep, and last night's delicious Thai food.

Today I had a CMU-themed food day. We stopped at Quaker Steak for lunch, especially great because Tuesdays are all-you-can-eat wing days. I only had 13, which isn't my personal best. Golden garlic, medium, Louisiana lickers, and another batch of golden garlic. We stopped at Max and Erma's for dinner. There's a box of cookies nestled safely in the back seat. I also drove across four lanes of traffic when I saw a White Castle. It was delicious. It's like a drug. Speaking of drugs, when the border guard found out we were driving around for a month, I'm pretty sure he thought we were running drugs. Now we're trying to get to the Chicago area, even though it might mean a late night. We're listening to the NPR Star Wars radio drama, which is keeping us pretty entertained.

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