Saturday, August 7, 2010

Day Six: New York

We completed our whirlwind tour of DC by getting up early and walking the entire National Mall, from the Lincoln Memorial all the way to the Capital. The Boy Scout Jamboree is going on, so we shared the Mall with about a thousand Boy Scouts and a few of their sisters. The part of the Capital facing the Mall is actually the back (which has a more 20s feel than I expected), so we continued around to the front, and then across another small park to the Supreme Court building. That one is open to the public, so we went inside and walked around. You couldn't go into the courtroom, but the door was open so that you could stick your head in and look around. It has windows. I've never seen a courtroom with windows before. There's also a Supreme Court gift shop selling such choice gifts as a Supreme Court coloring and activity book (now with Justice Sotomayor!) and "Litigation! The Board Game." Yes, we bought Supreme Court souvenirs.

I wanted to go to the National Archives next to see the Constitution, but we were already an hour behind schedule (the Mall is a lot bigger than we thought it was). We spent about six hours on the 230 mile drive to New York. We had a quick lunch at a fast food noodle place. My Mac and cheese was literally a bowl of elbow Mac with a white sauce poured on top and shredded cheese sprinkled on top of the sauce. Gross. In New York we caught the last half of a final screening of one of Alan's movies, which was very cool. One of Alan's friends is in town visiting, so we went out with them last night. Steve and I slept on a twin air mattress on Alan's floor and now we're waiting for the day to start.

1 comment:

  1. Supreme Court souvenirs? But of course!
    See you tonight. Thanks for picking us up.
